Shelf Life
A project dedicated to all the wonderful defiant independent traders and they’re small quirky shops.
Inspired by John Londeis ‘Shutting Up Shop’ project
While Londeis work focused on shops that he felt were about to disappear we will celebrate small shops that are still going in this age of internet shopping and the supposed death of the high street retailer.
We celebrate the dusty book shop, the Aladdin’s cave of a bikes mechanic, the rare vinyl emporium, the friendly corner shop and everything in between.
LLFP Gallery (Manor House): 21st August – 20th September 2015 (Art Trail)
LCB Depot: 20th June – 8th July 2016.
LCB Depot 20th June – 8th July 2016
This exhibition also included a Smartphone Darkroom workshop, where the studio space was backed out and a darkroom installed to print photographs taken on smartphones though an enlarger and developed in normal darkroom chemicals.
There was also a closing event for the exhibiton.
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