Vesch Exhibition

Objects with a soul

cover2There is no English equivalent to the Russian word vesch; etymologically it originates from the Latin vox (voice) and veschat (to bring news) and is defined interchangeably with predmet to mean ‘thing’. Whilst predmet is taken as referring to only inanimate entities, vesch is an ‘entity endowed with human spirit’. Or more simply, an object with a soul.

To be considered to have a soul, the object must resonate with the owner, possesses vitality and significance and have become imbued with human   attachment. Any object is capable of becoming vesch; every single object is interesting and significant if only you look hard enough.



April 2012 – Gallery 12, Leicester

June 2014 – The Orange Tree, Leicester

Gallery of work:

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On show – Gallery 12:

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On show – The Orange Tree:

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